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  • Al Hurricane

    Alberto Nelson Sanchez, from Dixon, a New Mexico music artist known as "The Godfather of New Mexico music". A leading music performer for approximately half-a-century, his music has remained influential since the rock 'n' roll era, well through, to the modern era.

  • Al Hurricane, Jr.

    Alberto Nelson Sanchez Jr. 1959- American musician. Al Hurricane, Jr.. The son of Al Hurricane, a leading music performer of New Mexico music, influential rock musician and contributor to New Mexico's music scene.

  • Albuquerque

    geographic name | part of encyclopedia/places Pronounced: \al-buh-kur-kee\ or \awl-boo-ked-keh\ IPA: /ˈæl bəˌkɜr ki/ or /ɔl bʊˈkɛ.ɾ keɪ/ Definition of Albuquerque The largest city in New Mexico, the center of the larger Albuquerque Metropolitan Area, […]

  • American modern culture

    A modern culture in New Mexico, and the major culture from 1850 to today. The culture is distinguished by the supreme law of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, as well as their folklore, media, preservation, multiculturalism, and gastronomic influence; such as the preservation of multiple State and National Parks, the expansion of ancient New Mexican cuisine and musical techniques, and the prominence of American holidays like the 4th of July and Thanksgiving.

  • Ancient Pueblo (Hisatsinom / Anasazi) prehistoric culture

    A prehistoric paleoamerican culture of Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States, dated to about 7000 B.C. to 1600 A.D. The culture is distinguished by their agricultural abilities, advanced pottery and textile arts, and their architectural abilities in pithouses, pueblos, and cliff dwellings. These people are the ancestors to the modern Pueblos, and were located in what is now known as the Four Corners (Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona) region, and had multiple roadways for religious and trade purposes.

  • Antonia Apodaca

    biographical name | encyclopedia/music Pronounced: \an-tohn-yuh ab-uh-dah-kuh\ | IPA: /ænˈtoʊn yə ˈæb ə ˈdɑ kʌ/ Definition of Antonia Apodaca Antonia Apodaca. 1923- American musician. Long time music performer of New Mexico music, her music […]