Antonia Apodaca
biographical name | encyclopedia/music
Pronounced: \an-tohn-yuh ab-uh-dah-kuh\ | IPA: /ænˈtoʊn yə ˈæb ə ˈdɑ kʌ/
Definition of Antonia Apodaca
Antonia Apodaca. 1923- American musician. Long time music performer of New Mexico music, her music is influential in preserving traditional New Mexico folk musics, while at the same time furthering the reach of the genre through introducing Country and Western music styles to her music.
Cultural significance of Antonia Apodaca within New Mexico
Antonia Apodaca that is both significant and influential within the New Mexico music genre. While living in Wyoming she adapted her traditional New Mexican música norteña, polkas, waltzes to a Country and Western beat and rhythm. She is considered to be one of the progenitors of New Mexico music genre.
Some of Antonia Apodaca’s top songs: “La Cuna”, “Polka Papá”, “No Quiero Abondonarte”, “El Vaquero” “Cuando Estoy Dormido”, “El Vaquero”, “Estas Lindas Flores”, “La Marcha de los Novios”, “Flor de Dahlia”, “Vals de los Paños”, and “El Chotís Juanito”.
Examples of Antonia Apodaca
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Origin of Antonia Apodaca
Antonia Apodaca was born in Rociada, New Mexico, in 1923. She married Macario “Max” Apodaca, they performed and wrote music together until his passing in 1987. At the urging of Cleofes Ortiz she returned to performing in 1989.
First Known Use: 20th century