Kin Klizhin
noun | encyclopedia/culture | Pronounced: \kin kli-sin\ | IPA: /kɪn klɪ sɪn/ Definition of Kin Klizhin Building from the Ancient Pueblo culture, 12mi sw of Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon. It was founded in approximately 1000 […]
noun | encyclopedia/culture | Pronounced: \kin kli-sin\ | IPA: /kɪn klɪ sɪn/ Definition of Kin Klizhin Building from the Ancient Pueblo culture, 12mi sw of Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon. It was founded in approximately 1000 […]
see more: Ancient Pueblo (Hisatsinom / Anasazi) prehistoric culture
Mogollon a prehistoric paleoamerican culture of Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States, dated to about 500 A.D. to 1200 A.D. The culture is distinguished by their advanced agricultural abilities, […]
A prehistoric paleoamerican culture of Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States, dated to about 7000 B.C. to 1600 A.D. The culture is distinguished by their agricultural abilities, advanced pottery and textile arts, and their architectural abilities in pithouses, pueblos, and cliff dwellings. These people are the ancestors to the modern Pueblos, and were located in what is now known as the Four Corners (Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona) region, and had multiple roadways for religious and trade purposes.
noun | encyclopedia/culture | Pronounced: \fohl-suh m\ | IPA: /ˈfoʊl səm/ Definition of Folsom prehistoric culture A prehistoric paleoamerican culture of North and South America, dated to about 12,500 to 8,500 years ago. The […]
A prehistoric paleoamerican culture of North and South America, dated to about 13,500 to 12,500 years ago. The culture is distinguished by stone flake “Clovis point” bifaced blades, tools, and spear points.